Terms of Service

1. Customer verification:
Stealths don't require any level of customer verification. Because of this, our services could be used by anyone from any region.
2. Service fees:
Each product and service has its own fees. All fees are calculated before creating an order, and the customer is informed about the total payment amount on the order page. Your cryptocurrency wallet app may charge some fees for sending, but these fees are not related to Stealths service.
3. Product delivery:
Some products have an automated delivery feature. They should be delivered automatically within 5 minutes after payment. If the product requires manual delivery, our agent will process your order and update the order status. Manual delivery usually doesn't take more than 2 hours. But the maximum delivery time is 24 hours.
4. Payment:
Payment service is provided by our partner. KYC is not required for payment, however, transferring illegal funds (including mixers) is forbidden and may result in payment rejection. In such case, you can get refund to your wallet by contacting payment provider's support.
5. Refunds:
Stealths offers refunds only if the product cannot be delivered due to operational issues. We don't accept refunds for completed orders; the customer is obligated to read the product description and terms before payment.
6. Support:
The customer can contact support to get information about the order status. Support platform links can be found on the "Contact Us" page. Our support agent may ask for the order ID to provide information. The customer is obligated to provide the required information.
7. Privacy:
Stealths don't use any tracking systems. Customers' IP addresses or browser fingerprints are not collected or stored. We use some cookies to provide a better experience, but none of them contain personal information.
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